Honourees and Biographies
While many individuals have made laudable contributions to the RCN, these fourteen officers/sailors are being noted as an inclusive and diverse example of service. Regardless of the threat of war, or the restrictions imposed by a less tolerant and inclusive society, they all responded with a resolute ‘Ready Aye Ready’.
- Chief Petty Officer Max Leopold Bernays CGM, LSGCM, CD, RCNRChief Petty Officer Max Leopold Bernays CGM, LSGCM, CD, RCNR “Alone and surrounded by fire, executed all helm orders in fight against U-boat” Chief Petty Officer Max Leopold Bernays was destined for a life in the navy. He was born on January 3, 1910, in Vancouver, British Columbia, the son of Acting-Commander Leopold Arthur Bernays.… Read more: Chief Petty Officer Max Leopold Bernays CGM, LSGCM, CD, RCNR
- Lieutenant-Commander Margaret Brooke MBELieutenant-Commander Margaret Brooke MBE “Braving frigid waters, displayed courage in attempt to save the life of another nursing sister” Margaret Martha Brooke was born on April 10, 1915, and spent her youth on the family’s remote Saskatchewan farm. From an early age, three things were abundantly clear about Brooke: she was hard working, bookish, and… Read more: Lieutenant-Commander Margaret Brooke MBE
- Quartermaster William Nelson Edward Hall VC, RNQuartermaster William Nelson Edward Hall VC, RN “First Nova Scotian Awarded Victoria Cross for gallant conduct at a 24-pounder gun” William (Nelson/Neilson) Edward Hall’s connection to the navy stems back to the emancipation of his parents, Jacob and Lucinda ‘Lucy’ Hall. How his father came to Nova Scotia is a point of contention – while… Read more: Quartermaster William Nelson Edward Hall VC, RN
- Rear Admiral Walter Hose, CBE, RN, RCNVRRear Admiral Walter Hose, CBE, RN, RCNVR “Saviour of the Royal Canadian Navy and Father of the Canadian Naval Reserve” The man who would be credited with saving the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) was born on October 2, 1875, while aboard the P&O steamer Surat, mid-transit across the Indian Ocean. In the words of Captain(N)… Read more: Rear Admiral Walter Hose, CBE, RN, RCNVR
- Chief Petty Officer 1st Class George Edward “Ted” Jamieson CD, RCN“Toronto-born member of the Six Nations Upper Cayuga Band Served in both the Second World War and Korean War” George Edward “Ted” Jamieson was born in Toronto in 1922, a member of the Six Nations Upper Cayuga band. He joined the Sea Cadets in his early teens and then, despite being underage, persuaded his recruiter… Read more: Chief Petty Officer 1st Class George Edward “Ted” Jamieson CD, RCN
- Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Raymond Cecil Lawrence MMM, CD“First Black Canadian enrolled in the Royal Canadian Navy to be appointed Coxswain of a warship and recipient of the Order of Military Merit. ” Raymond Lawrence was born in New Brunswick, the son of Woodford Smith Lawrence and Augusta Emma Lawrence. His interests in the navy started at an early age and when he… Read more: Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Raymond Cecil Lawrence MMM, CD
- Commander Roland Bourke VC, DSO, RCNVRCommander Roland Bourke VC, DSO, RCNVR “Led his Motor Launch through enemy fire to rescue sailors” By: Sean E. Livingston, Author and CNTP Co-Founder Rowland Richard Louis Bourke was the last person anyone expected to be involved in a war, let alone hailed a hero. Small framed, with disproportionately large feet and thick-lensed spectacles, he… Read more: Commander Roland Bourke VC, DSO, RCNVR
- First Lieutenant Frédérick Rolette, RNFirst Lieutenant Frédérick Rolette, RN “French Canadian Sailor, who when the captain of his ship was mortally wounded, assumed command with great skill and gallantry” Frédérick Rolette was born in historic Quebec city on September 23, 1785. Not much is known about his early years, as historical records dating back to that time are limited.… Read more: First Lieutenant Frédérick Rolette, RN
- Lieutenant Robert Hampton Gray VC, DSC, RCNVRLieutenant Robert Hampton Gray VC, DSC, RCNVR “Displaying valour, fighting spirit, and the most inspiring leadership in an aerial attack on an enemy destroyer” In the midst of the Great War, Robert “Hammy” Hampton Gray was born in the small city of Trail, British Columbia, on November 2, 1917 (Turner). His father established a business… Read more: Lieutenant Robert Hampton Gray VC, DSC, RCNVR
- Vice Admiral Harry George DeWolf CBE, DSO, DSC, CD, RCN“Hard-Over Harry: Legendary Ship Captain and Canada’s Nelson” The fact that most Canadians aren’t familiar with DeWolf’s name is truly baffling. One of the most effective and battle-hardened ship captains of any allied nation during the Second World War, the total number of enemy vessels sunk and/or damaged under his command rivals, and even surpasses,… Read more: Vice Admiral Harry George DeWolf CBE, DSO, DSC, CD, RCN
- Captain Adelaide Helen Grant Sinclair OC, OBE, WRCNS“Provided Exceptional Leadership in organizing the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service during the Second World War.” By: Sean E. Livingston, CNTP Co-Founder and Author On a cold, mid-January day in 1900, Adelaide Helen Grant Sinclair (née MacDonald) was born in Toronto, Ontario*. It was a unique time – Canada was just over thirty years old… Read more: Captain Adelaide Helen Grant Sinclair OC, OBE, WRCNS
- Lieutenant-Commander John Stubbs DSO, DSC, RCNLieutenant-Commander John Stubbs DSO, DSC, RCN “Naval prodigy and master tactician who exemplified devotion to duty” The death of Lieutenant-Commander John Hamilton Stubbs might be the single greatest loss of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) during the Second World War. A naval prodigy, possessing unrivaled seamanship skills, he seemed to have it all – good… Read more: Lieutenant-Commander John Stubbs DSO, DSC, RCN
- Lieutenant-Commander William (Bill) King Lowd “Lo” Lore RCNLieutenant-Commander William (Bill) King Lowd “Lo” Lore RCN “First Chinese Canadian RCN officer and first officer of Chinese descent to serve in any of the Royal Navies of the British Commonwealth” By: Sean E. Livingston, CNTP Co-Founder and Author Lore’s journey to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) was far from typical. Born on February 28,… Read more: Lieutenant-Commander William (Bill) King Lowd “Lo” Lore RCN
- Commander Isabel Macneill OC, OBE, WRCNSCommander Isabel Macneill OC, OBE, WRCNS “First woman to command a ship (Stone Frigate) in the British Commonwealth” Isabel Janet Macneill’s career was marked by many “firsts”. Born in the capital of Nova Scotia on June 4, 1908, she attended Halifax Ladies’ College, a “high class residential school for girls and young women”. She was… Read more: Commander Isabel Macneill OC, OBE, WRCNS