Funds are still be accepted for upkeep of the monument and replacement of equipment. There’s still time to donate and have your name added to an important piece of Canadian naval history! Individuals donating over $50 will receive a charitable tax receipt.
How to Donate
To donate, please reach out to:
Organizations can donate by submitting a cheque to the Canadian Naval Tribute Project and mail the cheque to: Canadian Naval Tribute Project, 1286 Kane Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5H 2M3.
For individuals donating and to receive a personal tax receipt, please make a cheque out to the: Naval Association of Canada (Toronto), with CNTP listed in the notes and mail the cheque to the same address as above.
Or organizations and individuals can send a donation through E-transfer to:
Please list your details in the notes of the e-transfer. A tax receipt will be mailed out to individuals that donate via e-transfer.
Donor Levels
$20,000 or more
- Donor name inscribed on CNTP panel as a ‘Platinum Level Donor’
- CNTP Commemorative Challenge Coin *
- Charitable Tax Receipt
$15,000 – $19,999
- Donor name inscribed on CNTP monument panel as a ‘Gold Level Donor’
- CNTP Commemorative Challenge Coin *
- Charitable Tax Receipt
$10,000 – $14,999
- Donor name inscribed on CNTP monument panel as a ‘Silver Level Donor’
- CNTP Commemorative Challenge Coin *
- Charitable Tax Receipt
$5,000 – $9,999
- Donor name inscribed on CNTP monument panel as a ‘Bronze Level Donor’
- CNTP Commemorative Challenge Coin *
- Charitable Tax Receipt
Gun Metal
$1,000 – $4,999
- Donor name inscribed on CNTP monument panel as a ‘Gun Metal Donor’
- CNTP Commemorative Challenge Coin *
- Charitable Tax Receipt
As well donations under $1,000 but $50 and over will qualify for a Charitable Tax Receipt
* CNTP Challenge coin will be sent to eligible donors once produced .