On 29 April 2023, the CNTP monument was officially dedicated and unveiled in a ceremony at HMCS York. The Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Anita AnandPC, MP, as well as the Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy, Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee CMM, MSM, CD, were in attendance and spoke to the importance of the CNTP and the impact the fourteen honourees have made on Canadian history. Below are some photos of the event.
Set-up for the CeremonyPosters of Honourees Co-Founder Lt(N) Sean Livingston commences ceremonyCo-Founders speaking to the CNTPVIP Guests in attendanceVIP Guests, Including Minister of National Defence Anita Anand, VAdm Topshee, and RCN Senior Officers and Honourary CaptainsMinister of National Defence Anita Anand speaks to the CNTPVAdm Topshee, senior RCN officers, & Honourary Capt(N)s, listen to the Hon. Anita AnandCNTP Co-Founders speaking to guestsCNTP Team posing in front of the monument. Left to Right: Cdr Moniz, Co-Founders Lt(N) Livingston & Lt(N) Phillips, HCapt(N) ToppingLeft to Right: CNTP Team member HCapt(N) Jeff Topping, Co-Founders Lt(N) Sean Livingston & Lt(N) Mark Phillips, VAdm Angus Topshee, HCapt(N) Mark McQueen, and CNTP Team Member Cdr. Walter MonizGathering prior to CeremonyLt(N) Livingston speaking to VAdm Topshee, LCdr Elliott, & LCdr Di BerardoGuests ArrivingCdr Keleman and CPO1 Williamson, CO and COX’N of HMCS William Hall, arriveHMCS York BandLt(N) Livingston begins the ceremonyPadre Lt(N) Jackson dedicates CNTP memorialHMCS York bandHCapt(N) Topping reads names of CNTP HonoureesCNTP HonoureesCNTP HonoureesMinister of National Defence Anita Anand address guestsCo-Founders Lt(N) Livingston & Lt(N) PhillipsVAdm Topshee speaks about the CNTPHCapt(N) McQueen thanks CNTP team for the memorialCo-Founders Lt(N) Phillips & Lt(N) LivingstonMinister of National Defence reading CNTP PlaquesMinister of National Defence Anita Anand poses with CNTP honoureeHMCS York sailors stand before the CNTP MonumentHMCS York sailors stand before CNTP monument