Author name: Sean Livingston

Chief Petty Officer Max Leopold Bernays CGM, LSGCM, CD, RCNR

Chief Petty Officer Max Leopold Bernays CGM, LSGCM, CD, RCNR “Alone and surrounded by fire, executed all helm orders in fight against U-boat” Chief Petty Officer Max Leopold Bernays was destined for a life in the navy. He was born on January 3, 1910, in Vancouver, British Columbia, the son of Acting-Commander Leopold Arthur Bernays. […]

Chief Petty Officer Max Leopold Bernays CGM, LSGCM, CD, RCNR Read More »

Chief Petty Officer 1st Class George Edward “Ted” Jamieson CD, RCN

“Toronto-born member of the Six Nations Upper Cayuga Band Served in both the Second World War and Korean War” George Edward “Ted” Jamieson was born in Toronto in 1922, a member of the Six Nations Upper Cayuga band. He joined the Sea Cadets in his early teens and then, despite being underage, persuaded his recruiter

Chief Petty Officer 1st Class George Edward “Ted” Jamieson CD, RCN Read More »

Vice Admiral Harry George DeWolf CBE, DSO, DSC, CD, RCN

“Hard-Over Harry: Legendary Ship Captain and Canada’s Nelson” The fact that most Canadians aren’t familiar with DeWolf’s name is truly baffling. One of the most effective and battle-hardened ship captains of any allied nation during the Second World War, the total number of enemy vessels sunk and/or damaged under his command rivals, and even surpasses,

Vice Admiral Harry George DeWolf CBE, DSO, DSC, CD, RCN Read More »